Monday, June 27, 2011


Hi, I see you've popped up onto my little blog. Welcome. Here I will talk about, well, Lolita. And no, not the stupid book that has the word 'Lolita' forever planted in the American mind set that it's a little kid who dresses like a hooker. We're way more modest than that and of all ages. This will be my personal thoughts and feelings about the style. Personally I center around a more Gothic Lolita style. But there are many others.
The reason this blog is called 'Lolita Child' is because it centers around Lolita and in all honesty I'm still a minor. But that hardly matters.
Some random facts about me:

  1. I'm female

  2. My nickname is Alice and that is what I will go by

  3. I have a girlfriend.

  4. I have a best friend who likes to tell me things about my girlfriend that she doesn't want known.

  5. I sometimes call her 'Princess'

  6. Sometimes she calls me 'Queen'

  7. Other times she calls me 'Danna'

  8. I get along with everyone who isn't a jerk

  9. I hate stereotypes
That's it for now.
Your Lord[ess] and Master,

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